Complete beauty after silicone breast augmentation
Complete beauty after silicone breast augmentation
Seeming to have an artificial shape after silicone breast augmentation is almost the biggest fear of every girl who may want to augment her breasts. A girl may want to increase her attractiveness and femininity but without appearing in an artificial way that affects her figure negatively, as the natural form is usually preferred over the artificial one.
This girl had very small breasts that negatively impacted her feelings of femininity and attractiveness, so she performed silicone breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Mina Mamdouh, a specialist in plastic surgery, sculpting, and body shaping. The implants last between 6 and 10 years and have a positive effect on the shape and femininity of the breast.
Is there an alternative to silicone breast augmentation for enlarging the breasts?
Yes, breast enlargement is possible through a process known as a self-fat injection in the breast. This involves dissolving and removing fat from a part of the body known for having an abundance of fat, such as the abdomen and thighs, filtering and recovering the fat, then injecting it into the breast to enlarge it to the desired size. However, because silicone breast augmentation results last longer than a self-fat injection, many plastic surgeons recommend it over its alternative. Other than these two approaches, it is challenging to increase the breast size even by using natural remedies, such as exercising or massage with fenugreek oil, as they do not affect the size of the breasts directly as silicone breast augmentation does, and they won't provide you with the result you dream of.
Is silicone breast augmentation dangerous?
Silicone breast augmentation is completely safe, has been approved by the WHO and FDA, and does not cause chronic diseases such as breast cancer, which many women may hear about and fear having silicone breast augmentation for. But silicone breast augmentation, like any other surgery, is subject to total anesthesia and surgical opening, which may result in bleeding, infection, inflammations, or excessive swelling after the surgery. Therefore, you must choose a specialized plastic surgeon to avoid post-surgical complications; Therefore, we recommend Dr. Mina Mamdouh, a specialist in plastic surgery, sculpting, and body shaping. He has many years of experience in this field and many successful cases of silicone breast augmentation, which had a positive impact on female patients and restored their self-confidence and femininity.
Is it possible for silicone breast augmentation to cause nipple sensation loss?
This has absolutely no basis. Because the tissues, nerves, and mammary glands are not damaged during the procedure, silicone breast augmentation does not affect how you feel in the nipple or whether you can breastfeed. As a result, any loss in breast or nipple sensation you experience after the procedure is only temporary and disappears over 3 months after the recovery period has been safely completed.